Sinkro Scores is a music publisher specialized in contemporary music by Basque composers of 20th and 21st centuries.

Sinkro Scores was born with the commitment to publish and disseminate the unpublished works of the current Basque composers.

Sinkro Scores publishes the general score and individual parts of the orchestral and chamber works, as well as the electronic part of the mixed works, and indications for live performing. The process of elaboration and layout of the scores is supervised by the composers themselves.

The scores containe an introductory text that helps to place the works in epoch and style. We also offer a technical description, instrument list, number of measures and estimated duration of the work. In this way thethe works are interesting for both the musician and the musicologist.

We also offer the possibility to view and download free samples of the scores and audio samples of them, to be able to decide more clearly if you want to acquire the complete work.

Espacio Sinkro is carried out in its technical aspect by the Sinkro Space team, which since 2005 organizes the Bernaola Festival. With 16 references Sinkro Records has become an important subject in the documentation and dissemination of the contemporary Basque repertoire. The Ensemble Sinkro is a reference group, which premieres and interprets new creation Basque music worldwide.

  • Solo

    - Why is everything linked by an invisible thread that wraps us and traps us and prevents us from being free in the full vacuum of light?

    - Because I only dream the memory of the time when everything was loneliness.

  • Bikoitz

    Based on the idea of a double, a duo, as a mirror between the instruments and their reflection in the electronics.

  • Txori erraria

    This is a tribute to the work of Mikel Laboa seen from a different perspective – an approach to that wandering feeling, which is difficult to capture in terms of sound and recognisable rhythm, and which is deformed on its return.

  • Nono

    Nono belongs to a group of constructivist style works in which the material used (in this case nine notes for nine instruments) determines the pitches and rhythms and conditions the development and duration of the sections.