

Flute and electronics
Alfonso García de la Torre
Total timing:
  • 7'33"
Pages: 4
Measures: 166
Score: AGarciaDeLaTorre-Acuarela.pdf
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Acuarela” emerged from the work of flautist Roberto Casado and choreographer and dancer Michelle Man. Both were actively involved in a pre-eminently multidisciplinary project. 

Through an analysis of the flute's multiple expressive possibilities, the work proposed a starting point for a dialogue with dance using the new electronic media. Throughout the conversation, different sound developments explore and expand the acoustic characteristics of the instrument and these, in turn, elicit changes the dynamic of the dance. Sound and the seen drift towards degrees of interaction, varying with the experience of the interpreters, an experience itself shaped by the specificities of acoustic space. 

Acuarela” sets up a link between instrumental gestures and the dance moves. The superposition moderates change in the formal development, driven by the electronic processes of the sound. This technique allows the flow of the on-stage dialogue and the fusion of different sections of the work. 

The work premiered in Elisabeth-Schneider-Stiftung foundation's hall in Freiburg (Germany). Roberto Casado, flute - Michelle Man, dance - Ensemble Sinkro, sound diffusion.