
Azul invisible

Cello and live electronics
Alfonso García de la Torre
Total timing:
  • 9'23"
Pages: 7
Measures: 206
Score: AGarciaDeLaTorre-Azul-Invisible.pdf
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The work sets up a dialogue between the many sonorities of the cello and of electronics, a fundamental aim being to explore the articulation options of both elements. The work's musical discourse is structured by the varying lengths of a network of heights and intervallic series.

The harmonic fabric is composed of materials both from the cello's own sonority and from electronics, deriving from the application of various resonators.

The selection criterion for many of the electronic materials arises from an analysis of the acoustic response of different strings. These react in many ways depending on their elasticity, density, tension, etc. At the same time, the palette of sound colors is extended by combining different activation methods: bowing, striking, plucking and torque. This opens a vast territory of tonal possibilities that must be demarcated to establish the composition's distinctive outline.

Exploring the physics of strings means finding a strong connection between all the sound elements that arise from the interpretation itself, the articulation of the instrument, and everything arising from a musical gesture. Consequently, one encourages a dialogue with electronics in each fragment, at each stage from the generation to the final propagation of the sound. The materials obtained are mixed and distributed in the acoustic space, moulding a constantly changing material. From the general to the in a process of compression and expansion, the piece develops in distinct but interrelated phases, all with a common unifying substrate.

The work was premiered at the BBVA Foundation's Cycle of Contemporary Music in Bilbao. Séverine Ballon, cello - Koldo Sagastume, sound diffusion.
This work has been edited in colaboration with the Culture Department of the Basque Government.